Feel good
FIND YOUR FEEL-GOODClear the mind. Stretch the legs.Scoot your way to a feel-good boost.

Harnessing Scooting Feel-Good – For Every Age

Toddler Scooters


Micro adaptable design – Engineered and proportioned to support toddlers’ physical development. Mental boost - Gives toddlers their first taste of independence and a fun start to life on the move. Physical boost - Builds balance, coordination and spatial awareness.

Pre School Scooters

Move Your Own Way

Micro design - Agile, manoeuvrable, grows with the child – so pre-schoolers have the freedom to move their own way. Mental boost - Enables kids to explore their independence and express their personalities – how they move, how they style their Micros. Physical boost - Improving balance and coordination – able to build muscle strength by alternating between legs.

School run Scooters

Start the Day on a High

Micro design - Light and manoeuvrable, in a host of designs that make it fun for kids to scoot to school. Mental boost - Starting the day in a way that’s both fun and active results in improved concentration and feel-good for the rest of the day. Physical boost - Exercise is built into the daily routine, helping kids build strength and endurance.

Adult Scooters

Time for You

Micro design - A lightweight, portable alternative to the morning commute – and the ultimate way to build time out into the lunch break. Mental boost - Starting the day with exercise, mindfulness and some outdoor fun helps us feel better and concentrate for longer. Physical boost - Exercise is built into the daily routine – perfect for busy schedules.

Electric Scooters

For Every Occasion


Five times faster than walking. Cleaner and greener than travelling by car. Lightweight and portable yet turbocharged. Our innovative electric scooters are designed for sweat-free, power-packed travel.
School run Scooters

For Every Occasion

School Run

Our three and two-wheeled scooters are designed to make it easy for older children to scoot the school run. Hassle-free, good for the planet and proven to enhance children’s concentration once they get to school. We think there is no better way to start the day.
Commuting Scooters

For Every Occasion


Beat the queues, avoid the jams, move at your own pace. Enjoy some exercise while you’re at it. Our lightweight, foldable scooters are engineered to make the commute to work a breath of fresh air. Literally.
Under a Mile

For Every Occasion

Under a Mile

Over 20% of UK journeys are under a mile. That’s a six minute scoot. Faster than walking (more than twice as fast in fact.) Kinder to the planet than driving – saving 400g of CO2 from being released for every mile scooted instead of driven. Better for our bodies and our moods (low impact exercise, proven to release feel-good endorphins). So if it’s under a mile, it makes sense to scoot.
Electric Scooters

For Every Occasion


Five times faster than walking. Cleaner and greener than travelling by car. Lightweight and portable yet turbocharged. Our innovative electric scooters are designed for sweat-free, power-packed travel.
School run Scooters

For Every Occasion

School Run

Our three and two-wheeled scooters are designed to make it easy for older children to scoot the school run. Hassle-free, good for the planet and proven to enhance children’s concentration once they get to school. We think there is no better way to start the day.
Play for life
Good Habits Begin EarlyMicro Scooters nursery and pre-school product rangesare designed to support the critical developmental stage of 12-36 months. View our Play for Life gamesto help your child move through their physical development stages with confidence.